Machine Learning Applications İn Operations Management

Machine Learning Applications İn Operations Management

Yazar: Murat Kocamaz
Yayınevi: Kriter Yayınları
Kategori: İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler
Barkod: 9786256894150
Fiyat: 80,00  ₺
Kullanıcı İşlemleri - +

Şifremi Unuttum

This book, which aims to show how machine learning shapes and develops businesses in the digital age, focuses on real-world examples and tries to reveal the transformative effect of machine learning in various areas of operations management. Each chapter carefully delves into the intricacies of machine learning applications, highlighting the challenges and opportunities that arise. While unleashing the potential of machine learning in operations management, it is an indispensable resource for operations managers, business leaders, and decision-makers in a new era where intelligent algorithms seamlessly collaborate with human expertise.

Kitabın Özellikleri
Basım Diliİngilizce
Sayfa Sayısı116
Kapak TürüKarton Kapak
Kağıt Türü2. Hamur
Basım TarihiHaziran 2023
Basım Yeriİstanbul
En / Boy16,00 / 23,50 cm.