The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer

Yazar: Kolektif
Yayınevi: Winston Academy
Kategori: Edebiyat (Yabancı Dil)
Barkod: 9786054555949
Fiyat: 29,00  ₺
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Kitabın Tanımı
Tom was there and listening. Marry cried with all her heart and Tom could hear it. Mrs Harper said good night and went home. Aunt Polly prayed for Tom. She was in tears. Tom's heart was full of pity for her. He went back to the ferryboat. There was nobody to see him so he walked on board the boat. Huckleberry and Joe waited for Tom to come back.

Tom Sawyer is an imaginative and nice kid, but he is very mischievous. He lives with his aunt Polly and his brother, Sid in a town near the Mississippi River. His aunt can never discipline him as she wants. He always finds himself in trouble. He falls in love with a girl called Becky and tries hard to impress her. One day Tom run away from home to become a pirate with his friend Huck Finn. Amazing adventures are waiting for them.

Kitabın Özellikleri
Basım Diliİngilizce
Sayfa Sayısı64
Kapak TürüKarton Kapak
Kağıt Türü1. Hamur
Basım TarihiAğustos 2020
En / Boy19,00 / 27,00 cm.