Jane Eyre Level 3

Jane Eyre Level 3

Yazar: Charlotte Bronte
Yayınevi: Winston Academy
Kategori: Yabancı Dilde Kitaplar
Barkod: 9786059242646
Fiyat: 34,00  ₺
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Şifremi Unuttum

Jane Eyre is an orphan. Since her uncle died, she lives with her uncle's wife and her cousins. The family hates Jane. After a fight with one of her cousins, her aunt sends her to Lowood, a dormitory school. She lives there for eight years. When she turns eighteen, she decides to find a job. She finds a job in a house as a governess for a girl called Adéle. The lord of the house falls in love with her and asks her to marry him. Tragedy follows Jane and some strange things happen. She leaves the house but eventually turns back to find Mr Rochester. They get married and live happily.

Kitabın Özellikleri
Basım Diliİngilizce
Sayfa Sayısı94
Kapak TürüKarton Kapak
Kağıt Türü2. Hamur
Basım TarihiAğustos 2020
En / Boy13,00 / 19,50 cm.